Rev. A. Robert Hirschfeld, Bishop

The Rt. Rev. A. Robert Hirschfeld, Bishop


“By the grace of God, the Holy Spirit is moving in New Hampshire with a reach of effervescent vitality. We are experiencing new shoots on the vine of Christ’s love and presence in our lives, our churches, and in the world. What a perfect time to embark on a capital campaign as our way to nurture the Body of Christ flourishing here in New Hampshire.” 


Through the From Deep Roots, New Life capital campaign, we seek to build an endowment to provide churches of all sizes with Spirit-led, healthy, wise and loving leaders who will make the church look and act more like Jesus: challenging, healing, freeing, life-giving; to give our clergy and lay leaders the spiritual and organizational support to thrive; and to give our leaders and communities the breathing space through financial support to think bold new ideas, to consider new models and ways of doing things, to be courageous to explore and experiment and yes sometimes to fail, learn, and start anew. 


“Something new is happening in New Hampshire, and it’s called Church on the Move!  Through the deep roots of our faith, planted in the granite soil of our diocesan family, we spread the tender mercy of Jesus by honoring the power of everyone’s gospel story.  And when those stories are nurtured and released, look out world, hope is alive with New Life.”

— The Rev. Jamie Hamilton, Campaign Co-Chair

“My support and excitement for this campaign stems from the reality that it is, at its roots, about supporting congregations and encouraging us to not just survive, but thrive. By supporting both this campaign and our annual appeals we have the possibility of resourcing the church for future generations.” 

— The Rev. Rob Stevens, Rector, St. John’s Church, Portsmouth & Campaign Co-Chair 



We are thrilled to announce that we have officially kicked off the public phase of From Deep Roots, New Life. Thanks to your generosity during the silent phase of the campaign, we have raised $1.8 million toward our $2 million goal. With your continued and generous support during the public phase, we will reach our goal in June! 

From Deep Roots, New Life is focused on investing in our people, not buildings. Together, we are creating a lasting endowment to train, place, and support our lay and ordained leaders in our churches—all our churches, both big and small.

It’s all great news!